The things you find when randomly shopping. So I had the opportunity to go the Cosmetics Company Store with a sorority sister who got to witness my addiction with make up. Love you Kelsi! While I was there I picked up the amazing MAC Mineralized Eyeshadow called Hot Contact. Now, I'm not a very big fan of their mineralized products, I consider myself more of a traditionalist and I don't like a lot of colors swirled about. However, this one caught my attention. It had red in it! And we all know how much I love red eyeshadows! So I picked it up. After having used it I am quite pleased with the results. So I might just in the future by inclined to purchase more of these mineralized colors.
New Releases!
MAC released their Dazzleglass lipglosses this past Tuesday in 18 amazing colors, they actually weren't suppose to be released until April 30th but hey earlier is always better. I hope to pick a couple for myself to try out. Also don't forget the "Rose Romance" collection will be out April 23rd with some new spring colors! This collection I am definitely saving up for. Alright well back to my "Hot Contact" look, hope you enjoy!
Urban Decay Primer Potion (UDPP)
Bee Royal Silver from the "Perfect Smokey Eye" set all over lid and inner corner
MAC Mineralized Shawdow in Hot Contact (the red side) in the outer corner blended, use
the black side to draw a "V" in the crease and to deepen the color and on the lower lash
MAC White Frost as a highlight
Sephora liquid eyeliner in Black on upper lash line
Revlon pencil eyliner in Black on lower water line
Fresh's Supernova mascara
Benefit's Browzings in Light
Lancome lipstick in Violet Fashion, Not Victim